Toe to Heart (provider of small material and immaterial aid) is built on the belief that there is a reciprocal relationship between giver and receiver. The giver sees a need and enjoys the fact that with his or her (material or material) aid he can have impact. The receiver feels the support and can make an important step forward in his or her life.
The motto of Toe to Heart is: Protecting our world’s creatures and giving them the opportunity to grow! Positive attention (heart) and a little material help (toe) is enough. The rest they prefer to do themselves!
‘The eagerness to do it yourself’ and ‘the fact that giver and receiver both are helped if we create an atmosphere of giving’ are in my view very hopeful and important characteristics of the human being. The reality is that some in our society can only start focusing on their development when they get this small material and immaterial aid.
It will be great if Toe to Heart can continue enabling people to give with joy, so receivers are able to take steps forward themselves. As we have been doing for 18 years with our ‘education and after school’ project.
Thomas Nicolaas.